Mobile Apps

Google is Testing The ‘Lite Version’ of Search App for The Countries with Slow Internet Connection

Google never ceases to come with something that shows its dedication towards the technology evolution. Recently the company started campaigns for the developers to help them in building flawless apps for the Play Store. Google also added new algorithm to the Play Store to rank the apps on the basis of their performance. Now company is testing the Lite version of its search app.

Google is testin

Mobile Apps

Here’s How You can Access The Android Instant Apps Available On 500M Devices

Android Instant apps, a cloud server for the mobile app execution, built by the Google to enhance the Play Store service is finally out. Google Just announced that it has successfully rolled out the instant app’s service to 500 million devices. Google launched the Instant apps idea at  this year I/O developer conference and within the two months it reaches out to 500 million devices.

Mobile Apps

How To Schedule Messages on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp undoubtedly ruling the world single handed when it comes to an instant messaging service. Almost every smartphone user is using the WhatsApp for messaging today. The app is most effective, cost-free and instant communication channel which allows you to share information in just one click. Apart from the messaging WhatsApp also have other features which include media sharing, image sharing

Mobile Apps

Google is Adding Question & Answer Section in The Maps and Search

Google just announced that it will help the users more efficiently in order to acquire information about a place or location. The company is going to add a Q&A feature to the Maps and the search for the user to access more information. The new addition will deliver the crowd-sourced answers to the user looking for a particular information.

The Question and Answer attribute already been in t

Mobile Apps

Cambridge University And Language Mobile App Babbel Come Together For English Test

The Germany based language-learning mobile app maker, Babbel teamed up with the Cambridge University’s English language certification stream. Babbel, which also holds the position of the highest grossing app maker in mobile language-learning sector started a campaign with the Cambridge University. Babbel and English language certification department of Cambridge University came up with the m

Mobile Apps

Android Apps With Issues Will be Down Ranked in The Play Store by Google

As part of the Google’s campaign for uplifting the standards of the Google Play Store, it added new effort. This time the tech giant introduced a new algorithm in the Play Store that will help the company in ranking the apps. Now the company will rank down the apps that are not behaving well and higher the deserving apps.

The new ranking algorithm will sort out the apps which have bad imp

Mobile Apps

Google is Giving Billions To Apple To Stay Default Search Option in Apple Devices

Tech giants always keep in a fight to outrun each other in order to increase their market value and provide better services to the users. iPhone maker and the top search engine also have the same relationship, whether it’s about the smartphone competition or tech innovation. But, both the companies know each other’s impact and value among the users and never misses the opportunity to lev

Mobile Apps

Uber Rented Car Caught Fire After It Rented Faulty Cars In Singapore

The car hailing giant just said that it had taken the appropriate actions to repair the faulty cars it rented out the drivers in Singapore. The company knowingly rented out the fire prone cars to the rivers which were recalled by the makers.

It’s about the incident of January when Uber driver Koh Seng Tian after dropping a passenger was on his way to another pickup suddenly the car catches

Mobile Apps

These Android Apps are The Reason For Your Smartphone Expeditious Battery Drain

Smartphones have taken a place in our lives that it is almost impossible to spend a day without it. From communicating to the official work smartphones are integrated into everything in order to make things simple and quickly accessible. But, the biggest problems that smartphone users face is the fight against the battery consumption.

In case you had to plug your mobile charger again and again

Mobile Apps

Facebook Announces To Add ‘Watch’ Tab To Compete Youtube

Finally, Facebook announces to launch its long time awaited feature “Watch” to premiere the videos and short episodes. Today the company announces the addition of the ‘Watch’ tab on the platform where one can watch short, episodic videos. The section will also contain some of the live videos including the sports event for which the Facebook has streaming authority.

The v

Mobile Apps

Facebook is Killing Its Teen Targeted App \’Lifestage\’ Along With The \’Groups\’ App

Facebook is shutting down it’s small and underrated apps which were nothing more than an unsuccessful attempt to allure the users. The company is pulling its teen targeted apps Lifestage app along with the Facebook supported Groups app. Both the apps are built by the Facebook, the Lifestag was introduced to rival the Snapchat and the Groups was launched in 2014 to help the users to explore &nb

Mobile Apps

The Release of Angular 4 Version

Google has recently rolled out the innovative Angular 4 framework. The move was a bit surprising as the giant skipped the release of 3rd version.

Mobile Apps

The Financial Times Back To Apple After It Abandoned The Platform in 2011

The Financial TImes (FT) who had abandoned the iOS platform six years ago now launching its app in the App Store. The company is launching its iOS app for the U.K and U.S  based subscribers to easily access the content.

In 2011 the company abandoned the Apple due to some disagreement over the revenue and data sharing. According to the peoples who were familiar with the matter, the Apple wa

Mobile Apps

Google is Planning to Bring Rival to The Snapchat’s ‘Discover’ Feature

Snapchat is facing the worst time ever, its shares hitting the lowest value of all time. No appreciable quarter growth of the users and the company’s market cap is getting down every quarter. After getting hit by the clone of its own invented story features from the rival’s WhatsApp and Instagram it seems like Google is also working to launch rival to Snapchat’s Discover feature.

Mobile Apps

The consideration to follow while developing enterprise mobile application

Enterprise mobile application must follow all the security measures in order to develop an application that is secured enough from hacking vulnerabilities.

Mobile Apps

YouTube Added Video Sharing and Chatting Feature To The App

YouTube is rolling out the video sharing feature in the mobile app for the users starting from today. The video sharing option will allow the users to share the selected videos with their friends. The added feature allows the users to chat with the other users, which make Youtube now a chatting platform also.

The company has put the feature in the testing phase since the middle of last year and

Mobile Apps

Apt Solution to Grow Downloads by Designing Instagram Like App

Gaining huge downloads for their apps is an important criterion for every mobile app development company. These criteria can help to register huge success for the app.

Mobile Apps

Taxi Booking App For Sale

Buy Taxi App? Here Elluminati Inc. Sale Whtie Label Taxi App For Your Ride Sharing Business

Mobile Apps

How Uber Drivers are Tricking The Company’s System To Make Profit

Uber is growing well and expanding its services in many new regions across the globe. But, there is something that needs to be known, you are being cheated in terms of payment, not by Uber but some of its drivers.

According to the latest study, some of the drivers from the U.K. and U.S. ditched the Uber system in order to make the customer pay more. These drivers use the Uber algorithms smartly

Mobile Apps

WhatsApp Will Face Paytm, Indian Digital Payment App as Rival In Messaging Service

The Indian digital Paytm company Paytm is going to challenge the WhatsApp in the country by introducing its messaging feature. Paytm is planning to expand its services by adding the user-to-user chat option and games.The payment service company is playing a major role in order to maintain the digital payment transaction in the country.

Paytm currently values $8 billion and planning to add new f

Mobile Apps

The Distinctive Elements of App Wrapping

In order to add an additional layer of security to the app architect, app wrapping helps developers to make apps more secure without compromising the basic functionality.

Mobile Apps

What are the Mistake that Harm Mobile App Development Architect

In order to survive successfully in the ever growing mobile app development ecosystem, the app development companies should always keep an eye on the suggestions listed here.

Mobile Apps

Snapchat is Looking To Acquire Zero Zero Robotics, a Selfie Drone Maker From China

Snapchat is trying to come up with the new tactics to allure the more users after WhatsApp gone a hit by cloning its story feature. This quarterly report isn’t satisfying for the Snapchat and the company knows the key to make a comeback in the market. Recently the company has acquired a mapping startup named Zenly.

This time the American company is trying to go through the hardware feature

Mobile Apps

Apple Shares Q3 Earnings With Record Breaking iPhone Sale

On Tuesday Apple shares its third quarter sales figure with the world and crushed the estimates that were given by the analysts earlier. Everyone was thinking the Apple fans were holding back and waiting for the iPhone 8 to launch, but it seems they are still spending plenty on Apple gadgets.

The fiscal third quarter earning shared by the iPhone makers shows the company beats the analyst with t

Mobile Apps

Google Launched ‘Made In India’ Initiative For The Indian App Market

Google on Tuesday launched the ‘Made in India campaign’ for the developers in India to develop and optimize the apps especially for the Indian market.

Under the ‘Made in India’ initiative, the developers in India will get the opportunity to develop the apps which will be optimized specially for the Indian app market and showcase under a specific section in the Play Store

Mobile Apps

Apple and Google Takes Down Hundreds of Trading Apps From The Stores

Recently the researchers found too many malware containing apps and the mobile applications that are a potential threat to the users. In return, both the tech giants  Google and Apple actively took actions by withdrawing or deleting the apps from the respective application store to ensure the user’s safety. But this time the Australian Securities & Investments Commission(ASIC) have fo

Mobile Apps

Beware of This New Android Malware, Capable of Stealing More Than Text and Data Information

A new malware has taken the birth and entered into the Android market of applications targeting the users to steal their information. Android devices have been targeted by the rogue hackers in order to steal the device and user information. Earlier this year the Google Play Store had been hit by so many malware and spyware which was able to bypass the Google security. Google’s security for t

Mobile Apps

Facebook Kills AI Program When Bots Started To Communicate In Their Own Coded Language

The  researchers at the  Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) pulled out an Artificial Intelligence project after it started to communicate in their self-developed coded language.

According to the reports, Facebook had to stop a program that the researchers were experimenting to enhance the Artificial Intelligence applications after the things went too far. The program sta

Mobile Apps

Apple is Pulling VPN Apps From the Store on The Orders Of Chinese Government

Once again the China shows its power to the mobile app world and the rest of the world by taking down all VPN (Virtual Private Network Services) in the country. On the command of the Chinese government, Apple has removed all the VPN apps from the App Store in China.

The ExpressVPN is among the service providing app that faces the wrath of the joint action by the China and the Apple first. The c

Mobile Apps

Apple Kills iPod Nano, The Device Behind Apple’s First $5 Billion Hit

Apple just stopped manufacturing and selling the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle, the two most loved music players in the early days.

Withdrawing the production of iPod Nano and iPod shuffle is not a surprising step by the tech giant. The company doesn’t have much focus on the iPod selling since it stopped reporting the iPod as a separate business in 2014 the same year it also retired the iPod c

Mobile Apps

Uber Was Upset With This Famous Chat App So Made One For Itself

The carpooling service giant undoubtedly has one of the flawless apps for its services. Uber is the leading ride sharing company in many parts of the world. The company has around 14,000 of the employees out of which major portion is taken by the skillful engineers.

In the Corporate world to make the infrastructure more smooth and have instant communication companies integrate chat apps or serv

Mobile Apps

WhatsApp Smashed with 1 Billion Users While Facebook Sees Slow Growth Yet Manages To Beat Google in Q2

Today WhatsApp and Facebook revealed Q2 2017 stats showing the user growth and revenue stats for this quarter. Where Whatsapp topped the list in number user by leading behind the rivals like Instagram and SnapChat while Facebook faces slight downfall in the results. Mark Zuckerberg updates the WhatsApp Q2 figures on his profile over the Facebook profile and also gratitudes the users.


Mobile Apps

The Drivemode Success Story – How it Increased Installs by 40% Using Facebook

In a move that proved to be more rewarding than expected, Drivemode joined forces with Facebook for a campaign that helped them boost installs by a massive 40% while reducing cost per install by 5%.

Drivemode, a safe driving app that lets you access all your favorite features on the phone with easy gestures, keeping your full focus on the road, wanted to fast-track downloads and reach as many A

Mobile Apps

Mark Zuckerberg Vs Elon Musk, Whom You Should Listen?

No one thinks alike not even the smartest people on the planet.

This statement is proven by the latest squabble among the two tech worlds greatest minds over the future of AI. Yes, we are talking about the new generation social media inventor, CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and owner of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk. Recently, both are showing their dispute to each other views and opinions on the

Mobile Apps

The Top 5 Leading Ladies in Tech World You Should be Following

The world is transforming at a very high rate and everything is changing with the pace that may be in years we will witness an entirely new era. Along with the technology, the position and role of the women in today’s world are also evolved with the time. Not so far from now just a couple of years back 57% of all professions is occupied by the women and out of which only 27% were in technolo

Mobile Apps

Amazon Studios And Chat Fiction App Rapid Ties a Knot To Serve ‘Signature Stories’

Digital technology when blended with the innovative ideas have no boundaries for the applications. Mobile app technology is not restricted to generating the endless revenue, but also can utilize to make interesting learning for the minors. Nowadays kids are also using the smartphones and tablets by tapping on the interesting stories narrating by the chat fiction apps. If you are not aware of the c

Mobile Apps

This New Apple’s Messaging App is Going Viral Among The Social Media Users

Mobile app technology is all about how innovatively you provide a solution to the people’s simplest problems. This sentence is proven by the newbie in the Apple’s App Store that shocked everyone. The new secret messaging app Sarahah gained sudden popularity app Sahara due to its unique feature.

The app synchronized with other social media apps like Snapchat, Instagram and much more an

Mobile Apps

Apple and The Rock Teamed Up in This New Ad To Explore Siri Capabilities

It’s not hidden that most of the tech giant believes that AI is the future of our world. We already have a number of AI available like Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon’s Echo to help out in almost everything. Do we know how much capable of assisting us Are they that much of helpful as their inventor promises?. The problem is not with them, it’s with us, we don’t know how to use the

Mobile Apps

Snaplication: Macdonald’s Uses Snapchat to Hire People

We are living in the era where social media is the most powerful channel in order to acquire almost everything. Social media platforms will get you everything if know how to optimize them. The Snapchat is the most popular social media apps among the teens and almost everyone is aware of that. Not only business and enterprises to get the customers reach, but some brands are also using the social me

Mobile Apps

iPhone Users – Don’t waste Your Time by Force Quitting The Apps Unnecessarily

We all are tech addicted now and gadgets have become an integral part of our life. While using tech devices we have our own tips and tricks in order to make it more productive. The Same way most of the iPhone users directly kill the app in the background with the intention to save battery and RAM. However, Mac blogger and publisher John Gruber recently mentioned in hi blog that swiping away the ap

Mobile Apps

What can We Learn From The UK’s Most Popular Apps?

Internet service provider Plusnet entered the mobile market last year with the release of Plusnet Mobile, offering affordable SIM-only deals with a focus on inexpensive data plans.

In celebration of this new venture, Plusnet Mobile collaborated with cult comic artist Jack Teagle to create ‘App Force’, a series of illustrations based on popular smartphone apps. As well as these illus

Mobile Apps

Apple Appointed a New VP and Managing Director For The Chinese Market

Apple considerably knows the importance of the China’s potential market and don’t wanna give any slip. Apple just announces a major job role in China market of Apple inc., a new VP, and Managing director is assigned to the China’s region. Isabel Gel Mahe who is the engineering leader is given this responsibility to take the place in Shanghai. The data and the economic figures from the

Mobile Apps

7 Best Apps To Help You in Instant Job Search

If you are not satisfied with your job and want to find a new job, then the whole process can be quite tiring. Fortunately, with the influx of apps, now you can do the job search while you are on the go.

Here, I have rounded top 7 apps to help you search your dream job.


This is a newbie. Despite being a new app, it has touched over a million downloads and it a

Mobile Apps

How To Enjoy Latest Android O Features on Your Android Smartphone

Almost every year every Google releases a major update for the Android smartphones. The tech giant enrolls the operating system’s latest version containing new features every year. This year all the eyes are on the Android which is expected as the biggest released till now from Google. Android O has the upgrades and features that will redefine the smartphones. However, only the Beta version

Mobile Apps

5 Best Lyrics App You Must Try For Your Music Love

Music is the all-time remedy whether you are having a bad day or just wanna feel some emotion via song. We all need music in our life and mobile app technology has made have put it on our fingers. App providing the lyrics are amazing for the music lovers who take songs by the heart. There are plenty of applications available in store offering the song lyric services. But finding the best among the

Mobile Apps

Paranoid Android Got New Update With 7.2 Version Which Comes With New Features

Firstly, for the ones who are not aware of the Paranoid Android, it is an open source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform. Paranoid Android surprised everyone with the stupendous features and upgrades a month ago with the release of the new version. But this time it takes the things to a new level by latest release. The ROM is still based off

Mobile Apps

SoloLearn: Facebook Awarded Code Learning App The FbStart App Of the Year Award

Facebook every year held an event where they award the most innovative and amazing app starts of the year. The Social media giant just announced the FbStart Apps of years to appreciate the new ideas. SoloLearn won the grand prize of this year’s Facebook event and collected appreciation around the globe. SoloLearn is a platform that where anyone can learn how to code.

This app is available o

Mobile Apps

Uber Added Tipping Option To Let the Customer Give Some Extra To The Driver

The  carpooling giant Uber seems to make some change in its app and the services in the coming time. The company started with the tipping options for the riders. Have you ever tipped your driver after the ride , when you feel like giving some extra for his well behave and excellent driving. Now Uber integrated the option of tipping to the Uber drivers with a single click .

The company enro

Mobile Apps

Foom: Subscription Based drink Startup Raises Seed Funding

Foom, a Food and drinks startup raised of $46,000 in a seed funding. A Delhi based Investor have given this amount to the beverage drink venture to expand the business.Foom is basically a food and drinks startup founded in 2017 which follows the subscription based model in which one can enjoy one drink every day in different bars and restro bars/pubs for 30 months. The company currently partnered

Mobile Apps

Google Will Accept The Gambling Apps Submission From August

Mobile apps are the primary targets for every business in the present world. There is nothing other than a smartphone that can grant you the reach over millions of the customers digitally. Almost every sector is using the mobile applications to generate maximum revenue from their business. Gambling sector was the only one which was abandoned by the Google Play Store in many big countries of the wo

Mobile Apps

Uber and Yandex is Coming Together To Complete Riding Giants In Russia

The carpooling giant is agreed to shake hand with the Google of the Russia, Yandex to start a merged venture in the 127 cities. Both the companies have made a deal to start a sharing ride service in the Russian. The Uber got the global expansion opportunity that it’s looking for a long time after its exit from the China.

The deal is expected to close in the fourth quarter of the year. Both

Mobile Apps

Your Favourite Apps Are The One That Sucking All the Space In Your iPhone

The storage problem is nothing new with the smartphones but if recently you have experienced this more often, your phone is not the one to blame. In the recent years, your strange issue with your iPhone may have increased much. Smartphones are not behind that space problem actually it’s the apps that have ballooned their size from some years. The most of the apps have spread their size and tak

Mobile Apps

Google is Going to Add Panic Button for The Users to ditch Vulnerable Apps

Recent attacks on Google Play store targeting the Android users with malware made Google take some serious steps. Shortly Android users going to get a panic button which quickly avoids the attack of any suspicious app. We all may have clicked on the dubious link in order to download untrusted apps and finally become the victim of any hack. In order to make the Android smartphones more secure and g

Mobile Apps

7 iPhone Popular Paid Apps are Free Right Now That You Must Check Out

Mobile apps sale is a new fad going on the big platforms to give users a fair opportunity to download their long wished app. Google had its apps on sale last week by putting several apps for free and heavy discounts on many others. On the other hand, Apple allowed developers to make the prices flexible of their applications. Today we have found 7 paid applications which are free right now and

Mobile Apps

How To Use Hidden Game of Thrones Snapchat Filter with The Secret Snapcode

There is nothing impossible over the social media, you can connect to millions of people and make something go viral. What is more amazing that getting yourself turn into one of your favorite tv series characters, HBO is doing something like this, Game of Thrones new season is just days away from now and the entertainment channel is creating the hype. HBO launched a White Walker filter on Snapchat

Mobile Apps

Do not Miss These Upcoming Updates From Your Favourite Apps This Week

Mobile applications are undetachable part of our life and we need them like nothing. Since there are millions of apps in the market it is quite hard to be updated with all of them. To make users feel great and to keep them engaged and entertaining almost every app updates some new features frequently. In case you missed the news about upcoming updates due to last weekend afterparty busy schedule d

Mobile Apps

How To Turn Your Mobile App Idea into Reality

With the boom in the trend of business mobile apps, individuals and companies are coming up with new mobile app ideas for the growth of their business. By developing mobile apps for business they can reach the new audience or serve their existing customers in a better way.

But, most of us are unaware of the process or steps required to turn a mobile app idea into reality due to lack of expertis

Mobile Apps

Facebook Secretly Testing a Group Video App Named Bonfire

Social media mobile apps are continuously in a fight to provide users more interesting time to spend features. Facebook is constantly working on new projects to amaze the users by providing them they something addictive. There is a news the social media giant is secretly working on group video chat app. The app copies the basic functionalities of the apps like Houseparty. This is not the first tim

Mobile Apps

Google Will Add New Feature In G-Suit to Make things More Secured For The Users

Google one by one is taking steps to ensure its users that all the security aspects are being revamped to protect them from any threat. Recent attacks on the Android Play Store by the malware and the bug app breached in G-suit targeting the Gmail accounts of the users put a question on the security. Google needs to retain back the lost trust of the users by taking more threat blocking technical st

Mobile Apps

Taster VR: BBC Wants To Deliver You Content Using VR via Smartphones

Worldwide news broadcaster now has taken a step to integrate the contemporary technology into the media system. BBC just released an app named Taster VR with the aim to transform the news delivering channel with the help of Virtual Reality. The media giant just introduced its new app for delivering the content to the viewers virtually. Till now we have experienced the VR in movies, videos, and gam

Mobile Apps

New Member to the Apple Owned Apps Family is Added to the Apple’s App Section in App Store

Apple recently acquired an iOS app Workflow in the App store and the just listed app under Apple section of the App store. The workflow app is a very interesting as well as a handy app which lets the user do a lot of automation. The app iOS have certain limitations in creating or customizing the task of the iPhone. However, Workflow is the cure for that problem, it is used to integrate the apps an

Mobile Apps

Tencent beats Facebook and Google in China But it’s Reversed When see Internationally

The internet giant with its collection of apps is dominating the Chinese market and gaining the revenue more than anyone. However, the story is just opposite in the rest part of the world. The graph shared by the Bloomsburg showing the leading tech giants with their apps in different countries. Google and Facebook are top most firms that are topping the graph in most of the countries.


Mobile Apps

Android O vs iOS11: Who Will Win The Race

The world is purely converted into a digital driven environment and smartphones have changed everything around us. The protagonist play by the mobile application in this transformation as the whole concept and way of business and enterprises have been redefined. The never ending evolution of the technology is adding new and smarter.

Last month both Google hosted its annual I/O and revealed the

Mobile Apps

Mobile-first Strategies Will Have Enterprise Chat Apps As Their Centerpiece

The emerging integration of chat apps in the enterprises due to app-first strategy is resulting in way more profitable manner than ever.

Mobile Apps

Don’t Miss These 5 key Features If You Are looking For Successful App For Your Startup – Techcolite

Technology has transformed the world in last decade and changed the meaning of human-machine interaction. The big screen has been shifted to the small size devices and in recent years all the work and…

Mobile Apps

Apple Wants You To Create Your Own App And Will Teach You How For Free

Apple launched a learning curriculum to let the people learn the app development language Swift without going to any school or institution for free.

Mobile Apps

Global App Market To Acquire $6.3 Trillion By 2021- AppAnnie

App economy going to make $6.3 trillion of money by 2021 according to AppAnnie latest report, Apple remains the top revenue generator.

Mobile Apps

WhatsApp Planning Enhance The Image Sending And Calling Features of The App

Chatting app WhatsApp is testing its new features over some beta versions which let the users send a bundle of images at once.

Mobile Apps

The 10 Biggest Announcements From Google

The Top 10 biggest announcements from Google that are going to change the face of technology in the future.

Mobile Apps

Google’s ‘Android Excellence’: After Apple Google Enrols its Editorial Section in The Play Store

Google released and update in the Play Store by adding an ‘Android Excellence’ feature which lists the best apps with categories along with editorial content.

Mobile Apps

The Future of VR explained

The VR technology has been around quite some time but it making a buzz recently and potentially holds the future of the mobile technology.

Mobile Apps

5 Ways To Extract Maximum App Downloads |

These 5 steps will increase your app downloads numbers in no time if you start considering them in your mobile app development process.

Mobile Apps

Bugs and the Bottom Line: A Rare Look at the Cost of App Instability

The move from mobile ready to mobile first has garnered much industry attention.  Gartner projects that, by the end of 2017, demand for mobile app development will be five times more than development capacity due to the pressures of mobile first.  Add to this the complexities for developing cross-platform mobile apps, as well as testing, …

Mobile Apps

Google Again Failed To Detect The Trojan Malware In The Play Store

Google again attacked by another malware containing Trojan Ztorg this month, had to delete to applications from the Google Play Store to prevent further harm.

Mobile Apps

Instagram Now Enables Sending Links in Direct Messaging

Now Instagram direct message support the sending of link with new update of the app by the company for both iOS and Android users.

Mobile Apps

Chat Fiction Apps: New Trend Among Teens Redefining The Story Reading

A new trend of chat fiction app is catching up among the youngster and successfully making a good revenue by beating some well-known brands.

Mobile Apps

User Experience vs. Functional Aspects of Mobile App Development

User Experience or Functionality, this is the toughest choice an app maker has to make, is there any solution to balance them both in the process?.

Mobile Apps

10-Step Plan of Effective App Promotion

A perfect guide to plan a successful app promotion in 10 steps for branding your app in the most effective way to garner the maximum user interest.

Mobile Apps

Having Trouble In Saving Money Get Some Help By Chip

A new addition to the micro saving apps, Chip that tricks the customer for saving their money is a great way to gather some amount for future.

Mobile Apps

Apple Warning Use Some Apps Will Not Continue After New Version Of iOS Released

Some application iOS showing the warning message, the app will won’t work in the future version of the iOS and developer need to upgrade the app.

Mobile Apps

Systweak Anti-Malware: Keep Your Phone Safe and Secure

New malware detection app Systweak keeps your mobile secure and assure its safety against any potential along with numerous options and boost up mobile performance.

Mobile Apps

Device Maintenance: New App From Samsung For its Devices on Play Store

Samsung enrols a new application over the Google Play Store named Device Maintenance for the Samsung devices to increase their performance.

Mobile Apps

Apple Unveils its new Series ‘The Planet of Apps’, First Episode Released

On the stage of World Wide Developer Conference Apple share screening of its new Original series The Planet of Apps which airs on Apple music on Tuesday.

Mobile Apps

Play Protect: New Addition To Android Mobile App Security By Google

Google added a security system Play Protect to scan the apps in the app store and in your device to weed out the harmful mobile applications.

Mobile Apps

Research Reveals Your Trusted App Share Your Data With Third Party Services

Latest research reveals that almost 7 out of every 10 mobile applications are sharing user information with the third-party tracking firms.

Mobile Apps

Hundreds Of Apps Banned By Google For Using Ultrasonic Sounds To Spy on Users

Hundreds of apps banned by Google, researchers reveal 234 apps are using ultrasonic sound cross-device tracking technology to spy on users secretly.

Mobile Apps

Twitter New Feature is To Filter DM From Unknown

Twitter launches a new feature which filters the DM from the person, not in the following list, the user can choose to read or delete the message directly.

Mobile Apps

10 Cardinal Mobile App Testing Phases That You Should be Following

Here are 10 most paramount stages of the mobile application testing that need to be executed with proper knowledge and effort to acquire the best result.

Mobile Apps

Have a Look On the App’s Those Get new Features and You Missed In Month of May

These are some new upgrades made available by the companies in the month of may for a better user experience that you almost miss.

Mobile Apps

Whatsapp Clone

More interactiveness, more enthralling aspects, more amazing, more features and less to zero issues- This is what defines ZoeChat app which stands unique from its main inspiration Whatsapp.

Mobile Apps

Around 41 Apps Got Attacked by Judy Virus, Google Detached The Infected Apps

Google removes many apps from the Play store as a malware named “Judy” found in about 41 Android apps which affected 36.5 million users across the globe.

Mobile Apps

Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram are Coming WIth Cross App Notification Feature

Facebook, Facebook messenger, and Instagram apps are coming with cross-app notification feature which also enables the easy switching among the apps.

Mobile Apps

Warning: Whatsapp With New Colors is Nothing More Than a Deceptive Adware

A new adware is spread out on the web offering Whatsapp with new colors which led the user to the fake website of WhatsApp to download the unwanted extension.

Mobile Apps

Microsoft Introduces a New App For Developers to Test iOS and Android Apps

Microsoft introduces a new app for Windows-based developers to test iOS and Android app on Thursday in the build developers conference.

Mobile Apps

Latest Conversation: New Feature Added by The Facebook To The App

Facebook added a new feature in search section named “Latest Conversation”, an open discussion are allows the user to discuss a common topic.

Mobile Apps

Zomato Hacked: Hackers Stole 17 Million Users Information

Zomato got attacked by the hackers and username and passwords of almost 17 billion users got stolen, payments information is safe claimed by Zomato.

Mobile Apps

Apple added Referral Feature in Its Analytic Platform For the Developers

Apple added a new feature to its app analytic tool which will let developers know from where user have found about the app.

Mobile Apps

McDonald’s Announces to Partnered With Uber Technologies

Mcdonald’s is going to deliver in more cities as it announced its new deal with the uber technologies.

Mobile Apps

Microsoft Wants Developers to take apps on Universal Windows Platform

Microsoft is going forward to its new Universal Windows Platform Program that will enable making a single app without modification for all the devices.

Mobile Apps

Apple Buys Sleep-Tracking Device Manufacturer; Beddit

Apple just owned Beddit, it’s a sleep -tracking device manufacturer and planning to put its own created features to monitor sleeping data in the devices.

Mobile Apps

Facebook is All Set to Stream its Own Tv Shows Soon

Facebook is going to launch a new platform to stream its own created new TV shows, according to reports it will be out in mid-June.

Mobile Apps

Twitter is Coming up With 24/7 Live Video Streaming

Twitter is all set to launch 24/7 live video streaming feature over the platform, soon user will be able to experience the Twitter service through video.

Mobile Apps

Why Mobile App is Requisite for E-Commerce?

Here are some pivotal reasons that make mobile app mandatory for the E-commerce organizations in this digitally driven world.

Mobile Apps

Dropbox Paper: Now You Can Emend Documents Even in Offline Mode

Dropbox released a new update for the paper service with the feature of offline mode which allows the user to edit the document even in no internet.

Mobile Apps

App Annie Discloses 40% hike in Mobile App Economy

According to App Annie reports, mobile app industry generate 40% more revenue in 2016 , App Annie also predicted 2017 be as more revenue generator.

Mobile Apps

Rubric: Now You have The App For Perfect Image Caption

Rubric app helps by suggesting you the best caption according to for your pic while uploading it over the social media.

Mobile Apps

WhatsApp New Feature Will let You Pin Your Chat

WhatsApp releases a new beta version which is enhanced with the new feature that will let the user pin the favorite chat on the top.

Mobile Apps

Is Emerging Low-code platforms trend are Threatful for Developer?

Are developers really need to worry about their jobs due to the increasing usability of low-code platforms, low-code development replacing Hand-coding

Mobile Apps

Round-up of Elements for Developing Successful Applications

The difference between a successful app and an abortive one is the functionality. Your app should make the best utilization of technology in order to win the hearts of the users.

Mobile Apps

Apple Warned Uber About Using The Banned Code and Threatened to Abandon it From App Store

Apple gave threat the Uber’s and asked to stop the use of banned fingerprint code to track the user even when they uninstalled the app.

Mobile Apps

Google New Aspect ratio to 18:9 : Developers Need to Upgrade Their App

Google changes the aspect ratio from 16:9 to 18:9 and developers are constantly informed to upgrade their app ratios to the maximum as soon as possible.

Mobile Apps

A Deep Insight In China’s App Store Market

China is leading app industry and data showing Chinese market helping many app stores to grow along with increased gross app revenue.

Mobile Apps

In-Traffic: Samsung’s App To Drive Without Distraction

Samsung Netherland rolls out a beta version of a new app named In-Traffic to ensure the driver don’t distract on the road by calls or messages.

Mobile Apps

5 Ways to Add Engaging Design to Your App

Average user interface reduces the app success percentage implement these killing steps to built a user-oriented app design.

Mobile Apps

Apple Rejecting The App Submission If Name Includes Price

Developers, facing the rejection in app submission in the iOS app store as Apple start blocking the application containing pricing in their name.

Mobile Apps

PreApps Overkill

Overkill 2 app case study.

Mobile Apps

Whatsapp ‘Number Change’ is Not a Big Issue as it used To be -With this New Whatsapp Feature

Whatsapp is testing its new feature of ‘changing number’, it will help the user to notify all the contacts easily with a single click.

Mobile Apps

How to Make Customers Happier With Better Designed Mobile App?

These factors will help you in building an interactive app design that will hold the user attention and give an amazing user interface experience.

Mobile Apps

How can Mobile apps Help us to Solve Emergencies at Sea?

K3M, the mobile application is launched to help the marine community for ensuring the safety and quick response by the defence minister of LANGKAWI.

Mobile Apps

Intent-Based Mobile App Security: A Promising Way to Ensure Safety | Mobileappdaily

Intent-Based mobile app security, a new addition in security system to provide extra protective layer to containerized mobile application Technology

Mobile Apps

Why small business should consider investing in mobile app development

It is more of an opportunity for small businesses to consider investment in mobile app development. The benefits that such businesses can have include ease of connection with business clients and reaching easily to the targeted audience.

Mobile Apps

Reasons you should consider to outsource mobile app development work

Outsourcing mobile app development is the new buzz in the industry today. It is a good idea for those developers who are not very much efficient in their app development. Outsourcing the task could help them get exceptional results.

Mobile Apps

Xuber – Uber for X Clone

If you’re looking for a complete Taxi app Uber Clone or an Uber for x Script open source code you’re looking in the right place! … How can I use Uber app Clone Script source code to build apps like Uber? … Website, iOS and Android apps along with documented source code for your ..

Mobile Apps


Easily add high-quality animation to any native app. Lottie is an iOS, Android, and React Native library that renders After Effects animations in real time, allowing apps to use animations as easily as they use static images.

Mobile Apps

App store inteligence

Mobile Apps

How to create an app like Postmates for Food Delivery

How to create an app like Postmates for Food Delivery

Mobile Apps

How to create an app like Postmates for Food Delivery

How to create an app like Postmates for Food Delivery

Mobile Apps

Get Your Taxi Booking Mobile Application Ready In 48 Hours

Get Your Taxi business online within 48 hours with our on demand taxi booking mobile application along with app source code available for Android and iOS.

Mobile Apps

Firebase | App success made simple

Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure you need to build better apps and grow successful businesses.

Mobile Apps

Lean Domain Search | Find a great domain name in seconds

Lean Domain Search helps you find a great available domain name in seconds.

Mobile Apps

10 tips for naming your app

Want to make a fortune from your app? We explain how picking the right name can make all the difference.

Mobile Apps

Taxi Pulse – Uber Clone Script

We provide customization of Uber like apps development at an estimated price. We take care quality of the app which is expected from your end. We develop and deliver apps that are customized exactly as per your requirement. We analyze your requirement thoroughly and understands the business, needs to document the scope of the project. We have dedicated and experienced app developers who can execute the app as per your need. Here’s are our solution offerings as we develop an Uber app clone

Mobile Apps

App Maker Appy Pie rated best FREE Mobile App Builder

Make an App with Appy Pie, the best free DIY App Building Software. Learn how to create an app with this mobile App Maker or app builder. You can build an App in Minutes with No Coding Skills. Create your App Now!

Mobile Apps

Uber Clone Script – Dectar

The most advanced and reliable taxi dispatch software named cabily an Uber clone script comes with both Native Android and IOS app

Mobile Apps

Tinder Clone Mobile Dating App Clone Script

Buy our Tinder Clone Mobile Dating App Clone Script with features from both Tinder & Swoon along with our money making features Booty.

Mobile Apps

Adding A Phone Number Link To Your WordPress Navigation Menu – Organized Themes

With smartphones being so ubiquitous now, you often need to add your phone number in a visible location that people can click to dial from their phone. An

Mobile Apps

Mobile-Friendly Test

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

Mobile Apps

Try goMobi for free| Free trial site | goMobi

Get a goMobi website for your business that works on all devices and screens. Try goMobi for free, choose one of our partners and create your multi-screen website in minutes.

Mobile Apps – Test your mobile sites and responsive web designs – Test your mobile sites and web applications right from your browser

Mobile Apps

Medical Appointment Scheduling Software | Sagenda

Please enter a description….

Mobile Apps

Free Appointment Scheduler For Medical and Healthcare

Get a free appointment scheduler for medical and healthcare. Booking pages, mobile apps, website booking etc. Fast & easy setup. Get a free account now.

Mobile Apps

AppMakr :: Pricing :: Publish your own iPhone apps for free!

AppMakr: Click here to Make your own iPhone Application with our Free iPhone App Maker! Our iPhone App Maker has been used for 1.5MM+ downloaded Apps and is trusted by leading brands. Try our Free iPhone App Maker now!

Mobile Apps

Free Online Appointment Scheduling Calendar Software | Setmore

Free booking pages, mobile apps, appointment reminders, confirmations, booking button, fanpage booking, staff scheduling, unlimited services, recurring appointments and a ton more.

Mobile Apps

Flamer – Tinder Swoon Grindr Dating Clone Script

Buy our Tinder Clone Mobile Dating App Clone Script with features from both Tinder & Swoon along with our features Booty Call & Blind Date.

Mobile Apps

10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps.

Mobile Apps

Andy the Android Emulator

The easy way to use Android apps and play Android games on your Windows PC or Mac